The Master Finger Wiki

The Master Universe (also known as MasterLand) is the oldest and biggest Universe within The Master Finger.

The Master Finger
The Master Universe
Born 4,000,000,000 AN
Died n/a
Species Universe
Other Info
Occupation n/a
HomeWorld n/a
Family n/a


The Master Universe was the first of the 5 universes that would eventually form withing The Master Finger. The first galaxy that formed within it was The Ollieland Galaxy in 1,999,000,000 AN. In 0 BBU , The Master Universe was nearly destroyed by a powerful war machine, which had become out of control. All the denizens of The Master Universe had to put their differences aside to stop it. This event is known as The Battle Of The Universe, and is used to mark the number of years, such as AD and BC on Earth.


  • The Ollieland Galaxy - Formed 1,999,000,000 AN
  • The XamaxLand Galaxy - Formed 1,998,000,000 AN (Destroyed in 1,988,000,000 AN)
  • The Theoland Galaxy - Formed 1,997,292,929 AN
  • The Mialand Galaxy - Formed 200,500,000 AN